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plug valve SS 1/4 modified
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Bill Of Materials Qty Unit Total Notes
labor assembly/fabrication (min) 26 min 23.92 add orientation marks, remove knob and stop pin, replace O-rings, honing, cleaning
O-ring 009 V75A baked out 1 ea 0.27
O-ring 012 V75A baked out 2 ea 0.60
plug valve SS 1/4 1 ea 101.76
plug valve SS 1/4 modified 1 ea 126.55

Used on Qty
plug valve SS 1/4 modified ORS both 1
plug valve SS 1/4 modified ORS out 1
plug valve SS 1/4 modified ORS in 1
CEGS Vacuum System v8 15
vacuum system - WHOI 11
plug valve 1/4 + actuator 1
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